Get the Incubator training details

Want to know more about what to expect in the programme?

Code for Africa
African Fact Checking Alliance


Dakar WanaData Community attending a training. © Nadia Lawson/CfA — March 2019.

Viral disinformation is helping fuel extremist conspiracies and social polarisation across Francophone West Africa, contributing to public distrust in democratic systems and to skepticism about initiatives tackling crises such as Covid19 or climate change.

The African Fact-Checking Incubator initiative will offer an intensive fact-checking training and mentorship programme to local media in Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Mali and Niger to help the fight against these, and other, kinds of mis- and disinformation.

The initiative offers training in three tracks — journalists, editors and newsroom managers. All three tracks will receive training in the fundamentals of evidence-driven verification and the basic tools and techniques of fact-checking.

After this initial grounding, the three tracks will be separated out into career-specific programmes that use modular training, small group/one-on-one mentorship and ‘learn by doing’ workshops and webinars. Curriculums include, but are not limited to:


  1. The fundamentals of evidence-driven and fact-checking in data-scarce environments
  2. Finding mis/disinfo: how to setup monitoring/listening systems for eligible claims
  3. Staying Safe: guidelines for keeping yourself safe from harassment and threat


  1. Setting up and managing fact-checking newsrooms
  2. Setting up, step-by-step editorial workflows and job descriptions (with KPIs)
  3. Introduction to coordinated Inauthentic Behaviour & Influence Ops


  1. Developing product strategies and business systems, including the institutional policies and governance structures necessary
  2. How to build sustainable and audience-driven fact-checking products
  3. Developing risk mitigation mechanisms, including digital/physical security solutions, media defence and other liability insurance options

Click here to learn more about the initiative.

Interested in taking part? Register here!



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